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3 comments :: Monday, January 17, 2005 ::

Well I saw a movie today, which I tend to do often, but since I have nothing better to do, I will critique it (or do a "review" as we in the business call it). Unfortunately, I deleted the program I made to create the Movie In Review posts for me, so I will make this simple. The Life Aquatic is good. I hope you all enjoyed my movie review. I may be a little rusty, but I feel this review is as good as any review I had done in my movie reviewing prime.

I have some gift certificates from Amazon.com from Christmas. I plan to use part of them to get the movie Saved, which I neglected to remember to buy with actual money when it first came out. I need suggestions on how to spend it, or if I should spend it yet on anything ranging from like $40-$75 or so. Obviously it can be less, but that is an estimate of how much will remain following my DVD purchase. I appreciate any support I will be given, and as a response in advance, no I will not buy anything for you with it, Tony. I only target that to Mr. Asher as he is the only person that seems to comment on my posts regularly. Perhaps if any of you other people commented regularly, even you could make a cameo appearance in one of my posts.

Finally, I am still looking for help in a possible video endeavour. My motivation for it is slowly dying, but this could just be a stage in the undulating lifespan of this urge. I'm sure someone out there somewhere is creative or helpful.

:: Tim 1:33 AM [+] ::

I believe that is already a movie... it's called "Adaptation"
Well with a movie like that, I am sure to get the approval and support of Bates.
Animal sex... the freshmaker. Oh shit, i mixed the two up.
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